First of all, let me just post this. I like it.
Now let me get onto the diary part of things. Well on the weekend i went to k. DRANK WAY TOO MUCH WAY TOO FAST.... Not doing that again. I SWEAR, i hate the after feeling. I couldn't even work properly on saturday. STUPID STUPID STUPID. About to join a gym. YES I KNOW. I wonder how long i can keep it up for, if i can keep it up then it will be a good thing, if i cant keep it up then it might just be an good experience? Not sure. Went to visit one on saturday, it looked alright, alittle bit less overwhelming then what i had expected, but it sorta had a nice relaxed atmosphere to it. I think. Good parts of gym's are that its air conditioned, and there are heaps of people doing the same thing as u so u can stay motivated, or thats what you would hope for. Membership starts around $700 ish for a full year with 3 vists per week. Thats ok i suppose?
Once autumn and winter shows up i will be able to ride my bike more i suppose. Even that is kinda hard to fit time in. I mean i dont want to ride to work becuase well, i dont want to get to work all sweaty and stuff.
I also have quite a few books lined up that i will have to read, all this stuff to do and not enough time. Im getting overwhelmed here -- in a good way.
Mmmmm nice pictures.
Mmmmm. Another day another week. Its friday, weekend coming up soon, and after that Vday and my bday. Hmmmmm How interesting. I never thought of bdays that big. I was never a big fan of elobrate parties, i would rather have a quiet moment to reflect on what i did for the last year, which is not much i think :p. Actually thats not too true, i have done quite abit. And even this starting new year, i have done quite abit. Joined a few other car forums lately to try and get more information out of them. Which brings me to the point.
Forums are the best, you get to meet heaps of new friends, learn stuff, discuss, bag, argue, insult people all from the comfort of your own computer. HOW GOOD IS THAT? Pretty good i think. The person that started forums should pat himself on the back if his not already doing so or too busy counting the green paper.
Screenshot of the day, notice how effective i am with my work. Oh the msn chat windows? Ignore them they are all business clients .....
You will notice that i have new included smiley faces to my mudane posts, hopefully that should portray my emotions better.
Going to dinner tonight at eastwood. Should be ok. In other news im getting weird. I am looking at original morris minis. I never thought i would like old cars. But maybe a new found liking? Maybe i like it becuase minis are almost an icon of the 70s?
Wat is it with some customers? They are so THICK. Now its obivious this is a renting post, but i mean seriously how stupid can u get? A company procedure is a company procedure, if u are not satsified by it then dont purchase from us in the first place. Warranty procedures are listed carefully on our website and on our invoice, which part of RTB do u not frickin understand?
About to go home. HAHAH u will notice the new header logo. Im hoping mugen wont sue me but yeah its kinda a play on all the fake automotive parts thats out there. Mugen replica, thats gotta be a common term in the automotive industry right? Anyways, if the fonts are too small to read then, ermmm get ur glasses. I can refer u to a specilist if u have problems contacting one :p.
1 :57am
As i sit here, chewing on my prawn and egg sandwich, i am thinking that i should update this website. It has been a long time, lots of things dictate how much i update this now. Mainly life is busier, business is busier, and in general yeah. Some friends are overseas, while others are hard working. These few days i have been busy planning for my business. Stuff like Rental agreements, advertisements, employees, workstations, website dev, product dev. All just part of a normal day of work.
Ok well the website has been moved to my pc seeing though im back and i can update it more often this way. Previous pictures on this website has been archived to save bandwidth. Hopefully in the future i will be able to share some pictures with all of you guys in regards to my trip.
Well im back in australia. I have been back for four days now. Golly geez time passes quickly. Everytime i look at the watch these days i think back to what time it would be in china. Right now it would just be midnight and probably im going downstairs from my uncles apartment to sleep in my own. Aiiiiii miss my relatives dearly. I miss my uncles, i miss my aunties, i miss my cousins. I dont miss shanghai that much though. Well everything apart from the food.
Now that im back i will most likely update this site alittle more now. In addition to this, my laptop is currently downloading the final batch of photos from my canon ixus. I dont know how i will upload 1000+ photos but i will try to share as many as possible. Amongst those photos are photos of my apartment. It looks pretty good :p. Im sleeping heavily late and i have work tomorrow. *ooops i mean today*
12pm*china time*
Time to come home. My flight leaves around 8:00pm. I calculated i will arrive next morning around 11:00am sydney time. Hmmm i hope its not too hot. It is going to be such a big change in whether. Im going to miss all my relatives. Untill next year, i promised myself that i wont not visit them for so long again. Once a year :). I also took some pictures of my apartments, will upload when i get back to sydney :). Stay cool. U will need to in sydneys hot whether.
11:20pm*china time*
Getting abit scared of customs and whether they will do anything about my cds/dvds that im bringing over. Erk .......
5:20pm*china time*
Mmmm. Changed the layout of this page. Not much difference at all. Nearing end of holiday.
11:15pm*china time*
Wow, it looks like sony is launching PS2 officially in china. Ummmm, welcome to 1999? HAHHAA *SIGH* ..... here i am listening to two tv presenters giving me all the good reasons on why i should buy a PS2.
1. It can not only play games it can play music and movies *golly geez, so can most phones these days :P*
2. It uses the same chip to render equal effects to hollywood films *they are refering to the emotion engine, and they are also refering to the hollywood films made in 1990*
3. The joystick has rumbling features ..... *no comments*
4. It gets worse but i wont go on......
I wonder if this is a good step by sony, a world dominated by pc games, online pc games to be excat. I hope it pays for you. Just the other day i went to visit sony gallery in shanghai .... lets say i saw a less then happy "AIBO" and a few other extravegent pieces of electronic items. The aibo was walking foward and nodding its head like an old man whilst other bystanders tried to whistle to get its attention. *fat chance, here is an puppy that wont be lured by anything other then brightly colored items*
In other interesting news, i have watched some episodes of Gundam seed anime. Hmmmm not bad, its just that the voice is in japanese and the only subtitle available is in chinese. So im left guessing most of the time what they just said. Its been alittle while since ive been typing out blogs, but come on its becuase the chinese goverment doesnt allow FTP access to outside net addresses.
Shanghai vs HK which one do i like more? Without giving a biased answer, i would have to say they both have pros and cons. Which i will list below.
Pros =
Cheap lifestyle, cheap food, yummy food
Night life
Family residing here
Cheap housing
Taxi is ultra cheap
Cons =
Anything other then food is not cheap if u want quality
No follyshick lancer with altezza lights here *hold on thats a +*
People have little manners *cultural thing*
HK ::
Pros =
Good car lifestyle
Relatively more manners then shanghainess
More mobile fone choices
Cons =
HK's biggest con is that most of the pros are not as good as Shanghai, for eg the food is cheap, but not that cheap. The taxi is cheap, but not that cheap too.
As i type this out im in the toilet, doing something or rather. TMI, yes i know i know, but i thought u guys should know that i have fulfilled my long fanatasy of using a computer in the toilet. Only if my apartment downstairs has wireless internet, that should top the cake off nicely dont u think?
1:30am*china time*
Well alittle busy these few days, ONTOP OF THAT, have abit of problem with chinese internet. Chinese internet has blocked my FTP access which i use to update my site and yeah making me generally fustrated. NOT THAT KINDA FUSTRATION. I am in Shanghai now, enjoying it except for the ultra cold weather. For the first time in over 20 years it snowed here. It is the first time i have seen snow, but never-the-less it was a good experience, espicially since it is the new year celebrations. Not that they celebrate the western new year much. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, hope u have a great and ummmm happy(?) new year. Small logo added at the background to make things alittle more interesting. Write later.
2:30pm*hk time* 5:30pm*syd time*
Hmmmmm just checked out of the hotel and are now waiting for my hotellink bus to take me to the airport. Won't be too long now untill im back home. (well a differnet home) Ive been pondering the question of what links i should add to the three colored circles to the right of this page, hmmm one of them is obiviously the profile page *if you haven't realised already*, but the others i have no idea what im going to put. Hmmmm, i think i will turn that green circle into the gallery link button.... how does that sound guys? Good? GREAT!! its done. A gallery it is. However i was hoping to send the picture over to ed for him to batch process for me ... hehhehee *ed doenst know about this yet*. My average awakening time has gone from 9am to 11:30am as predicted. A good sleep is a pre-requiste for a fun day right?
We are early, the bus supposedly arrives at 3:15pm, yet we are waiting in the hotel lobby at 2:35pm. *SIGH* I guess its better then us running late and eventually missing the hotel bus. That would be a big problem. I was pondering the question of what would happen if you missed out on your flight..are the airplane companies negotiable?? Would they let u move the flight back one? Either way i dont want to find out the hardway.
As u might have guessed im just typing and rambling now becuase i have no other decent thing to do. Another 35 minutes in this overly airconditioned lobby and im outta here. For the moment being though you will just have to put up with me *or click on that cross to the top right hand corner of your screen*.
I will take this time to make a brief outline of HK AS I SEE IT. Which is not much i suppose.
HK is a small city with a very populated density of people living in it. I have a feeling its pure focus when people developed it destined HK to become a commerical district. Commerical district it is. You proberbly would have figured out from my previous entries that HK has alot of shops. Maybe for a sane person a little too many. My mum loved this ct, now it all makes sense. I mean with so many shoe shops and restruants and cheap transport, what else can u want?
I prolly caught HK in a very busy time frame too, seeing though its christmas and all. People rushing left right and center into shopping squares. There never seems to be a lack of people *apart from before 12pm*. This brings me to my other point, HK life starts around 12pm. Not many people on the street before then, but after 12pm WOah ... everyone comes out of their hibernation and crowds the streets. These 2 last days have seen a change in HK's weather turn into winter mode. Tempertures that was around 20degress have dropped into 10's preparing me for a worse off Shanghai. Seeing though i haven't been there for 4 years + im interested to see what has changed. Alot of people has said that it has changed alot during these 4 years, but im not sure. We will see what a measly 4 years can do to a over developing city.
Shore of LAMMA Island which is a small island just abit off Hkes main commercial district.
MMMM they had some nice bikes on this island. **PICTURES ARCHIVED**
My lunch.
Finally a westerner playing pinpong with one of the residence. Actually i had a feeling there was quite a few western people that lived on this island.
7:00pm*hk time* 10:00*syd time*
Hmmmmmm. Last day in hk today. Mmmmmmm no more excessive shopping, or is it? I think Sh will be pretty much the same. I need to shop for mobile fones again, research, hands on research. See if i pick a good fone this time :P .... I am looking foward to going home. I have heaps of relatives, and i miss them all. Temp today in HK suddenly dropped quite abit, forcing me to go back to the hotel half way through the day and change into more warmer clothe. Im having trouble finding a nice jacket though.... hmmmmmm....
OKOK i know u guys dont want to see a foto of me, but for my friends who has requested ...... contrary to what the photo suggests, im actually quite happy.
5:30pm*hk time* 8:30pm*syd time*
Well pretty much same thing today, more shopping. Went to HK harbour and yeah its so foggy. U cannot really make out much of the buildings in the hirozon. One thing i noticed about people in hk is that they are usually hesitant to confront u by eye contact. They usually talk first before making any eye contact, as opposed to sydney, where people eye each other first before talking. I think this prolly has more to do with the culture difference between eastern and western countries.
At the cost of insulting my canton friends, this is getting abit boring. I mean if u have aim in Hk and u have lots of items to shop for then yeah great. However, i dont. Most of my shopping are done. I mean a few jackets here and there a few t-shirts here and there, but thats about all. ANd visiting the sam eshops everyday is abit of a bore. Anyways i thought i own u guys a foto. So yeah heres a teaser of whats to come.
7:00pm*hk time* 10:00pm*syd time*
Well im buggered, about 5-6 hours of walking today. I am about to go out for dinner too, but i thought i will ring this up before charing my laptop. More and more shopping today. Went to Times square, Landmark, Sogo, and a few other shopping districts. Sigh, doesnt HK ever stop building commercial districts? Apart from the huge amount of shops here, HK is a relatively small ct. Im not sure completly but judging by its maps, and the train network i have a feeling alot of the area is undeveloped yet. Hence why they have a dsitrict called New terroritery. Its kinda getting alittle repetitive now, i mean i see the same shops 8 times a day, albeit in a different location. Dinner time now and i will upload this journal online. By the time i come back im sure everyone will be asleep in sydney.
I miss u dearly......
9:00pm*hk time* 12:00pm*syd time*
Woke up around 10am today, read my book in bed before heading out to eat congee and stuff for breakfast. After breakie went to subway station and after a few changes and a long bus ride i arrived at some monestry of some sort. Had one BIG BUDDAH in it though. Alot of stairs to climb too. After i finished with that went back to some place called harbour ct. All i know is its a big ass place with alot of shops. Brought some nice stuff and yeah they shops in HK are crazy, no wonder gurls like to shop here. Shops after shops after shops. During the trip to harbour ct we saw no less then 3 nautica shops. Becuase its christmas there was some good deals to be had. I have some nice stuff and yeah, more stuff to buy coming up.
Im just resting my feet here in the hotel becuase im so tired. They are aching quite abit as u would expect from a person that usually commutes by car. There was more then once today where i wished i had my own car here, aiiiii it would have made everything much easier.
Going out later again to shop more. Crazy so much shopping. Sigh......i wonder if i will get bored of this.
5:49pm*hk time* 8:49pm*syd time*
Checked into hotel now, had a little bit of a scare that dad lost the hotel passes. *JING SLEEPING ON THE ST IN HK*. Took a pile of fotos on the way to the hotel, will post up later on maybe if i have time, or i mights just process it once i have more time. Im going out to have a look around now and get some dinner. Oh yeah, i will have internet access in this room :)
3:00pm*hk time* 7:00pm*syd time*
I have just arrived at HK airport. I was writing an entry at the boarding gate at sydney before but was cut short due to checking in. My bum is sore from the flight, but it was ok, not as long as i expected. Mixture of sleep+eating+movie+music+more sleep was the order of the day for todays flight. HK has the same temperture as sydney moment currently at a pleasent 24C. Well so much for someone suggesting i dress like a polar bear. :|
Anyways checking into hotel now, and then will go out to see hk for the first time in my life. Currently its quite similar to china, almost everyone can speak mandarine, albeit with the same awful accent as me. Not much fotos currently, but will get more as i move throughout HK. My flight is scheduled to leave HK on the 29th at 6:35pm. Will keep u updated, untill then ..............
Kazunori Yamauchi, when am i going to get my beautiful GT4? Maybe when i come back from overseas? Yes that would be good timing. It amazes me how much dedication someone has for something. This guy deserves every penny of the game purchasing price. I will definilty buy a full retail version. Not some dodgey crappy copy. THAT IS IF U STOP DELAYING THE DAMN THING!!!!! I know i know u are a perfectionisit but still ..... 4 years is awfully long time to wait for a game.
Last "complete" day in sydney. Last day for my business this year. I still have some stuff to do but its all going to plan. Jonnie please take good care of my car, no burn outs, no ripping parts off, no tracking with 10 drivers, no engine swaps into leo's car. PLEASE I BEG U!!
My flight leaves at 0800 tomorrow. I will be up at 0700 to head to the airport. So early. But im sure i will have enough time to sleep on the plane.
Also watched a series of unfortuante events yesterday, wasnt that good. It was ok i suppose, nothing exciting. Jim carrey got annoying after awhile, i really dont like him as an actor.
The next entry into this diary will prolly be from HK, so untill then guys. Take it easy and yeah.
Some people try and sell the most weird stuff on ebay. Aiiiiiiii.
Here i am on the bed, waiting for my hair to dry up so i can sleep. Its rather late and im rather tired, but i will cope. Another working day tomorrow, to be excat second last day. Early on tonight *yesterday night for now* went out with the boys. Started by meeting Jonnie and Tam at hurstville. I waved at a type r driver which i "THOUGHT" i knew, but it turned out i had no idea who it was. So i was left quite embarrased. Anyways, once jonnie and tam turned up it was obivious that it was only us 3 that was going to dinner. We decided to get 2 pizza and go over to my place to eat and then head to ct.
Good concept, but rather in practice not so good with shocking pizza. Erkkk .... oh well i was hungry at the time so i swallowed them never-the-less. I have not drunk with my friends for ages, so tonight was ok. Drank beer and then played abit of pool. FF's gf is made clear to me now. I KNOW WHO IT IS NOW, no more secrets. LOL.
I taught my dad the basics of using the apple laptop to surf the internet, and to my shock, he actually really used it. Does it mean apple is quite a user intuitive computer? Or just my dad now has some experience under his belt? If possible next computer i get for my parents will be an apple. It benifits them more then it benifits me. I have more stuff lined up tomorrow to finish. Namely buy some stuff and also get my hair trimmed. I think my hair is dry now, i will go to sleep.
Ok. Everything should be organised. Im ready. Im ready. Going to have a little meeting for the boys maybe as i haven't seen them for awhile. Don't worry boys i havent forgen about u guys. Ok that sounds gay. moving on. Went duty free shopping yesterday, it was so hot too. Ended up buying a laptop and some makeup for gf. I like the feeling of been in an airport. Some people dont like it, but i like it. It feels like im going somewhere, or leaving sydney, which is quite a relief when you have been here for 4 years not going anywhere. Whether is outrageous these few days. One day its hot the next moment its damn cold with frightening winds which threatens to blow u away. Not to mention hailstones and falling branches. Makes me think whats happening with global warming and all.
In other news, i think i forgot what i was just about to say. DAMN IT!.... SHORT TERM MEMORY SUCKS ...
Anyways moving on ........ ARGH!!! this is not working. Im not so looking foward to hk. Maybe becuase i haven't been there before, however i am looking foward to the rest of it. I feel weird carrying camera around and taking photos around the ct. Makes me so obiviously an traveller. Here is the first picture of this website. Its been a long time since phillip island but this is a new picture i have stumbled across on eds newly finalised website. *ehor.tk*
Untill next time.
Well here it is, going live for the first time. I have changed website maintance stuff onto my apple computer, and have recently found the whole macromedia studio mx 2004 for mac too. HAHA Finding software isnt so hard for mac after all. Anyways apple takes some getting used to. Im still not used to alot of features, however using my intuation and logics of computer operations i have succeded in solving alot of problems. Laptop is setup for content creation work now, and has ftp programes and all other necessary software.
Xanga will now forever show a link to my new site.
In other news, my computer setup for home is complete. And its quite crazy. I like it. However my new monitors make my old one look like crap. I think i might get another one :p
Im now ready for the trip ahead of me. Camera, check. Laptop, check. Mmmm thats pretty much my whole life right there.
Hmmmm this apple computer is getting weird. Its so well intergrated *OSX* and simple and easy to use that the solutions to "problems" are usually under my nose. On a PC i usually doubt my computer whenever something is wrong, however there is no such feeling from using an apple. Maybe becuase im inexperineced at it at the moment, but whenever i think something is going wrong, i know im the one to blame, not my apple. I dont like this feeling, its like the computer is laughing at me saying "come on give me what you got".
At home now, relaxing, chilling, downloading illeagle priated software. The normal deal. I finally have a rubbish bin in my room. Hurray for that. NO more tissues stuffed under my bed :p
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